Woman Tides – a life manual


Ever wondered ‘why’?

This will help you – by discovering the energy signatures and instructions that run the ‘actual’/physical body.
The actual mechanism that ‘drives the ship’ as it were.

Written initially as a handbook for a midwives’ short course, this takes the reader through the introduction to how a body is seen through the eyes of an acupuncturist. This means you see yourself very clearly – how you have been set and what you thus need to do to change things that up till now have seemed fairly stuck, and even hopeless.

You will learn a lot of what set you in motion in apparently everyday events, and how you can back out of the problems being in your body may be causing you.

How to undo what is essentially an imbalance in some aspect of Blood or Qi – flow and production may be all you need to do to live a very different life..

You will find thisĀ  a fascinating look into self help.
As one acupuncture student has said.

I have finished working through the Women’s Tides book. Over the last three years I have spent my weekends and evenings learning through reading, listening to lectures and webinars. In all that time not come across anything that is so simply outlined, logical, and understandable. And it ties in to the acupuncture language and framework! Sometimes I listen to the content and think, I have seen that before. Other times I think, wow, that is great, I have never seen it that way, but it does so nicely links with this and that. Other times I am amazed that I have never seen it, or heard it that way before, but it just makes sense. – Dave Brisbane