Birthing-WDCD-coverBirthing – What Dads Can Do (DVD)

I am often asked what is the logo?
Mum, dad and baby – and their soul stars . . .In silhouette.

We have such precious time together – hopefully making baby and then bringing baby out – together it is a dance of love – make it so – here is your instructions – undo all in her pelvic and baby will then have an easy time coming out!!
No pain needed – just loving preparation for several weeks or months before hand – along with the tender loving care that such intimacy will bring.

Also available as a downloadable mp4

getting_thereGetting There – Becoming Pregnant Naturally

This lively, very informative presentation focuses on how you can change your life and chances for making a perfect baby.

Simple practical changes that ensure you are BOTH in optimal health, thus improving your chances of an optimally healthy family foundation.

massage_dvdMassage – What Dads Can Do

An instructional DVD on the use of massage throughout pregnancy and birth preparation.

Also available as a downloadable mp4


reunion_posterGuided mediation – two tracks – physical relaxation and emotional release. Easily, gracefully, breathe and let go!!!

Cleanse all the attachments that are within your energy fields.

Connect with fully your Self, your own essence.
See what I mean by looking at the

pictures that explain this here