Research into Improving Sperm

improving_sperm_quality-3dHow you can help yourself make your own naturally conceived babies in the safety and comfort of your own bedroom:

You may wonder why the medical assisted reproductive specialists seem to not know what you find within these pages. You may also after having many reproductive mishaps – often after years of doing everything ‘right’ – find that there are no answer as to why there were only miscarriages, unsatisfactory embryo transplants or even no fertilisation to show for your efforts. You may ask why no one suggested that there were very simple effective things you could do in your everyday life to alter your chance of being a dad.

I cannot answer why others have not taken the short amount of time it takes to start the Internet search. This information is hidden in plain view. It is not a secret that changing your ways will change you sperm. It is all about the state of your health and modern medicine is about disease management – not health restoration.

Even if you have been told it is impossible for you to become a father naturally, or at all – there may well be hope as many have tried these simple additions in their lives – and gotten rid of the sperm destroying habits – and are now very happily fathers.

What to expect within;

Chapter 1 outlines some of the research that is easily found when you search online for reactive oxidative stress – one of the leading issues in make infertility that you may never have heard of. This is primarily as YOU have to make changes to your life to change your sperm health. No one makes money on this deal. You do however life, your chances rise substantially of having a natural conception and a perfect baby if you do so.

Chapter 2 introduces the idea that the body works as a whole and that the various supplements you may think to take need to be in the context of a well functioning body/mind.

Chapter 3 explores the Chinese medical rationale behind looking after yourself so your gut works optimally – the sperm made will be far better quality should you take this advice.

Chapters 4 & 5 outline the digestive troubles that may await you should you miss following sound advice and chapter five offers simple solutions to these.

How to put it all together – found in Chapter 6 – food and supplements

All you may just need to let go the medical limitations

Sperm can get better – they depend on your heath and that is in your hands.

Start living more simply, naturally.

Sample pages:


The ‘Fertility’ package has this eBook in it
As does ‘Heather’s Everything’ package.

If you are a health care professional – this is all that I have found out so far . . . in many different modalities – all supporting natural.

Sex makes babies only when his sperm is up to it.

Please note that this is one of a group of researched highly effective resources that answer the ‘Why?’ and then ‘What to do about it’ questions that orthodox medicine seems not to hear or even think of .
This information is not ‘out there’.  I have had to look long and hard to find it.
I have been honing my clinical skills for over 37 years to allow couples become parents and especially men to become dads. See more on the Heather’s Everything ‘ pack here – as the entire range will really be needed – taking you through getting healthy to be able to make better sperm and then all the early, and late pregnancy through birthing preparation work you can do at home to ensure a full term natural entry for baby . . into your arms as bonded beaming parents.
You could just buy the one book as a taster.
Please also download the Fertility App I developed – it is full of links and resources plus ‘The What’, ‘The Why’ and ‘The Solution’ – fully supported by the informative inspirational site here.